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임진각 평화누리공원 똥침동상 Nothing can prepare you for the shock of South Korea’s craziest pastime. Dong chim, which translates as “poop needle” in Korean, is a popular prank that involves using your index fingers to poke someone between their bum cheeks with as much force as you can muster. The bizarre hobby is practised by children of all ages across South Korea, and is treated by adults as a perfectly normal prank. In .. 2021. 6. 12.
전세계 40%의 고인돌은 한국에 있다 Korean dolmens exhibit a morphology distinct from the Atlantic European dolmen. The largest concentration of dolmens in the world is found on the Korean Peninsula. With an estimated 35,000 dolmens, Korea alone accounts for nearly 40% of the world’s total. The largest distribution of these is on the west coast area of South Korea, an area that would eventually become host to the Mahan confederacy.. 2021. 6. 12.